Behind the Scenes

  • Setting up a Private Drum Lesson Business.

    It’s been a roller coaster for the past 3 weeks, thinking about P37 Drums. I never thought I’d end up setting up my own private practice, but this new chapter of life has already taught me new things about myself, and how to deal with ambiguity, mostly. When I first decided to run this on…

    Read more: Setting up a Private Drum Lesson Business.
  • Making classes interactive for kids.

    Teaching kids is tough. There are 2 main aspects to balance when teaching kids: interest level and discipline. Teachers need to make the class engaging enough that young students find the classes fun, but at the same time not to compromise on the learning. Vice versa, we cannot expect the child to drill drum exercises…

    Read more: Making classes interactive for kids.
  • Fear.

    In endeavoring a private drum lesson business, I’m constantly worrying about how to get new students. It’s a very real and logical fear, and it’s this healthy fear that motivates me to give my best to my students. Never shortchange those that you serve. The fact of the matter is, no matter how well you…

    Read more: Fear.
  • Contingency Plans for Class.

    A couple of weeks ago, my projector broke down, 20 minutes before class. The projector is an important piece of hardware for me to conduct classes, it flashes syllabus notes for students to refer to. Having no backup plan, I panicked. I was no stranger to equipment breakdown though, but it’s been a while since…

    Read more: Contingency Plans for Class.

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